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Frequently Asked Questions

How much money can I expect to make?

With the Sewciety Kids Curriculum, you can customize your Program to meet your financial goals.  Teach a few classes a week for extra part-time income, or go all-in and hold classes everyday to maximize revenue.  Our Start-Up Package includes an interactive Revenue Calculator Worksheet to help you determine how many classes to teach and what to charge.  But the sky is the limit!

What makes Sewciety Kids so successful?

'Sew' many things!  It's a modern curriculum with awesome projects that today's kids want to make - they can't help but keep coming back for more! That means you have a constant revenue stream you can count on.  Most new businesses fail due to cash flow problems; the way our Program is structured solves that problem. 

Can I use SK in conjunction with another curriculum?

We don't recommend it.  The Sewciety Kids Program is designed with a very specific progression of projects - it's takes a skill building approach that should be followed in order for students to be as successful as possible.   Plus, the types of projects included are very diverse - we make bags, garments, pillows, even quilts - this diversity keeps kids interested and invested.

What support is available to Licensed members?

 We are happy to answer any questions you have via phone or email.  Our goal is to make sure you have all the tools, knowledge, and support to succeed - it's our passion!  Call us Monday through Friday between 9:30 am and 4:30 pm, or email us anytime at!

Got questions you don't see answered here? Feel free to contact us!

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